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What are Hearing aid earmoulds?

Functions and advantages at a glance

An earmould is a custom-made earpiece that is fitted exactly to your ear and connected to the hearing aid. With the help of a customised earmould, you can access the full performance of your hearing aid. It is therefore an elementary component with which you can regain the joy of hearing.

Audio Service Stiline BT
with Hörluchs® Titan-Otoplastik (CIC)

Testimonials about Titanium Earmolds

Hearing Aid Users and an ENT Doctor Share Their Experiences

In the following videos, both hearing aid users and an ENT doctor share their personal experiences with titanium ear molds. Learn firsthand how these custom ear pieces can improve quality of life and the benefits they offer in everyday situations.

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“Since I started wearing titanium ear molds,
I am the high-tech grandma to my grandchildren.”

Rosemarie Lücke (83), Hearing Aid User
Customer at Kluge Hearing Aids

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“Whether it’s summer or winter, I don’t notice my titanium ear molds in my daily life.”

Josef Mader (75), Hearing Aid User
Customer at Hearing Aids Schmidt & Keller

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“As an allergist, I have extensively dealt with optimal fittings and I personally wear titanium ear molds.”

Dr. med. Jürgen Palm, Specialist in Ear, Nose, and Throat Medicine & Allergology
Röthenbach an der Pegnitz

Otoplastik-Aktion 2022

The advantages

  • Defined fit in the ear (no slipping)

  • High comfort

  • Less acoustic feedback

  • Aesthetic & discreet

  • Optimum sound transmission

This is how an earmould helps to understand better

The task of an earmould can be compared to the tyres of a car: If a car has wooden wheels, it cannot get the horsepower onto the road. A custom-fit earmould supports your hearing system so that the sound information reaches the eardrum with the required intensity:

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Advantages of an earmould
Advantages of an earmould

Earmoulds instead of domes

How to get the best out of your hearing system

Schallleitung mit Otoplastik

With earmould

The earmould attenuates incoming noise. The hearing system can optimally transmit speech and useful information. This is how you get the best out of your hearing system!

Schallleitung mit Schirmchen

With dome

The noise enters unhindered and overlays the speech signal. The undefined fit severely impairs the signal output. The hearing system cannot provide its full performance.

Speech comprehension compared


Comparison: Speech comprehension dome vs. earmould

Titanium earmoulds – The best for your ear

The most important advantages of titanium at a glance

Titanium is used in modern medicine due to its special properties. It is hypoallergenic, antibacterial, highly hygienic, skin-friendly and biocompatible.
Learn more about titanium.

Audio Service Stiline BT
with Hörluchs® Titanium earmould (CIC)

A decision For your health

Titanium earmoulds make the difference

Domes and earmoulds made of conventional materials are attacked by cerumen (earwax) after only a short time. This can cause them to turn yellow and the hygiene in the ear decreases rapidly.

Titanium earmoulds, on the other hand, remain visibly flawless and provide a hypoallergenic environment in the auditory canal.

Vergilbte Otoplastik aus gewöhnlichem Material
Earmould made of
ordinary material
Hochwertige Titan-Otoplastik
Earmould made of
high-quality titanium