
High-tech for acousticians

As a specialist for customised products for the ear, Hörluchs® is constantly expanding its portfolio. Thanks to a fully digital and economical manufacturing process, earmoulds can also be offered in the material titanium “Made in Hersbruck” from March 2021.

Hörluchs® makes the high-tech material socially acceptable and affordable for the hearing aid industry. The surcharge compared to premium earmoulds such as THERMOtec® is only small – so high-quality medical care is possible at a top price.

Download the official press statement (in Germany) as a PDF here.

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The better earmould

Titanium is used in aerospace and modern medicine due to its outstanding properties. In contrast to conventional earmoulds, the high stability of the material enables a wall thickness half as thick. This means that earpieces and technology can be installed even in smaller, anatomically complex auditory canals. In addition, titanium is hypoallergenic, naturally biocompatible and has the best possible heat dissipation. The high-gloss finish ensures an exclusive feel and at the same time the highest possible resistance to cerumen. Not only the longevity, but also the pleasant wearing comfort is a special plus for hearing aid wearers – and all this at affordable prices.

“The development phase, which took more than 18 months and consisted of software and material tuning, validation of the manufacturing processes and the implementation and fine-tuning of the state-of-the-art LMF (Laser Metal Fusion) laser system, has led to success,” says Dominic Schmidt, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Development.

Thanks to the high-precision and economical production, Hörluchs® has succeeded in making the high-end product accessible to the broad mass of hearing aid wearers for the first time. The titanium earmoulds are available in all known designs and versions. In addition, Hörluchs® offers the earmoulds in a cosmetically appealing lifestyle series, which is the perfect complement for modern hearing system fitting.