Discover titanium from new angles

Discover the fascinating world of titanium earmoulds from Hörluchs® and be inspired by the personal stories of our experts and users. #TITANIUMTALK is a series of talks that opens up new perspectives.

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Understand titanium earmoulds

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Our aim with #TITANIUMTALK is to give you a comprehensive understanding of Hörluchs® titanium earmoulds. Through the stories and experiences of our dialogue partners, you will gain a deep insight into the many possible uses and the importance of titanium earmoulds in everyday life.

Personal stories

Our dialogue partners, including experienced hearing care professionals and satisfied earmould wearers, share their valuable insights and personal stories. From 1 August 2024, find out first-hand how titanium earmoulds from Hörluchs® improve everyday life and what technical advantages they offer.

New episodes
on 01.08.2024

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New episodes
on 01.08.2024

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Why titanium earmoulds?

Titanium earmoulds are known for their high quality and durability. They offer optimal wearing comfort and are hypoallergenic, making them the perfect choice for many hearing aid wearers. In our #TITANIUMTALK series, you can find out all about the benefits and applications of these innovative earmoulds from Hörluchs®.

Titan-Otoplastik Cymbaline mit Strassstein
Titan-Otoplastik Cymbaline mit Strassstein