The all-inclusive idea
It’s that easy with Hörluchs®
Trust is the best basis for a long-term and successful partnership. That’s why Hörluchs® has developed the all-inclusive idea for you: No hidden extras, no price surprises – simple and transparent pricing.

Earmould price classes
The hearing system earmoulds from Hörluchs® are available in different price classes, depending on the material and connection. Within these price ranges, all the extras listed below are included and available at no additional charge.
No additional charges for extras
Hörluchs® helps you to select the perfect earmould to address anatomical and audiological considerations for the benefit of your clients. But this does not mean that the products become more expensive. These important extras are free of charge:
1) Technically not possible with 3D SOFT SILICONE
2) Technically not possible with 3D THERMOtec®
3) Technically not possible with 3D TITAN

No extra charge for these services